Nurturing Your Wellbeing this December

If you're not feeling as positive or festive as the world suggests, please know that your feelings are valid, and you're not alone.

Dear Beautiful Soul,

As we step into December, a season often painted with joy and festivities, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that, for many, it can also be a time of complex emotions. If you're not feeling as positive or festive as the world suggests, please know that your feelings are valid, and you're not alone.

This season can evoke a spectrum of emotions, and it's okay to feel a bit blue. The pressure to be merry and bright can sometimes overshadow the fact that this time of year can be challenging for many. Your feelings matter, and it's absolutely okay to navigate December in your own way.

Here are some tips you can use to nurture your wellbeing during this season:

Extend Compassion to Yourself:

Be kind to yourself. If the holiday spirit feels elusive, that's alright. Grant yourself the grace to experience this season in a way that feels authentic to you.

Reach Out for Connection:

Whether it's a heart-to-heart with a friend or a comforting chat with a professional, connecting with others can be a soothing balm for the soul.

Indulge in Soul-Nourishing Rituals:

Prioritize activities that bring you comfort and joy, whatever they may be. Embrace the simple pleasures that resonate with your soul.

Craft Personal Traditions:

Consider creating your own traditions, small or large, that hold meaning for you. This could be a cherished ritual or a quiet moment of reflection.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to navigating December, and your journey is unique. Be gentle with yourself, and know that you are not alone in feeling the complexities of this season.

My book, BREAK THE CYCLE will be out in just a few days. Order your copy here to receive it by January 2nd!


Let’s Get Into Red Flags 🚩


Prioritizing Your Well-Being Amidst the Holiday Workload 🎄