BREAK THE CYCLE hits bookshelves in one month!

In just one short month, BREAK THE CYCLE will officially find its place on your bookshelf.

Dear Beautiful Soul,

In just one short month, BREAK THE CYCLE will officially find its place in your hearts and homes. As I sit here, thinking about this incredible journey we're about to embark on together, I'm filled with gratitude for your willingness to lean on this book for your healing.

This book, it's not just pages bound together—it's a journey. A journey of healing, of breaking free from the cycles that have quietly woven themselves into the fabric of our lives. With each word, I've poured a piece of my heart into these pages, and I can't wait for you to dive in.

BREAK THE CYCLE is a celebration, a celebration of resilience, courage, and the beautiful act of rewriting our stories. It's a tool for self-discovery, a beacon of hope for those ready to embrace transformation. I've written it with you in mind, at every twist and turn of your unique journey.

The early feedback has been nothing short of heartwarming and I hope this can offer you assurance that this book has been carefully curated with you in mind.

Publisher’s Weekly called BREAK THE CYCLE “a wise program for repairing intergenerational trauma.”

Kirkus Reviews referred to the book as “a field-tested, practical guidebook for reclaiming health in the face of intergenerational trauma.”

I hope that the pain that has run through your own lineage finds healing.

If this newsletter has helped you along the way, the book will be an even more special treat. Order your copy this month and join me in breaking cycles.

With love,

Dr. Mariel Buqué


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